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Time Warner Likes Downloads, With Fees

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 20:23
by Falker ... -fees.html

Whelp, there goes the neighborhood. Everyone has been trying this sort of thing here in California for years ever since Governor Graham Davis ran the state of California in the ground from 1999 to 2003. With over 3 billion in dept.

Before Davis took over , .. the State was producing a profit of over a billion dollars a year . After Davis term in office , the State took a turn for the worse and was about to be cut off from government funding when the State was going bankrupt.

Since then the blood suckers came out of the wood works and thought of new ways to make a buck. More taxis , higher prices , nickel-and-diming us to death these days. Well it’s not getting any better. In fact , I think it’s gotten out of hand. So get used to it , or go find a cheaper place to live. It’s no wonder why Americans really don’t like Californians. It’s because this is where the new era starts , and it’s not pleasant when it comes to your wallet.

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 21:14
by Falker
Sorry Buffalo I didn’t see your post, pretty much the same same. I’ma little ticked about it though because I download allot all the time. They "will" go through with this too. Guarantee it. I also hear that they want to start charging you for your email. Anyway to make a buck is what’s going on these days. Bunch of Pirates…

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 11:02
by Grifter
Well, I still don't think it's right. It's the principle of the thing. I've never had to pay for that stuff before and I already pay a high monthly bill to my cable company. Why should I have to pay extra for services that used to be free? That's stupid. You haven't changed the service at all really, nothing new or special about it. Frankly, it defies the very principles on which the Internet was founded upon, the free exchange of information. It's a petty and cheap ploy by money grubbing jerks. If there are those out there who are misusing/abusing the service, then perhaps they need to pay for access to a special server, but the average person should not have to. The price hikes won't stay limited to people who d/l a great deal, I'm sure.

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 11:08
I don't mind the idea to much if the caps where O I don't know resanable or there are level ie 60$ is unlimited 40$ is 50 gigs and so on. In canada we got levels form 5 gigs up to 95 gigs but no unlimited which is what bugs me. It costs 1.50 $ if you have the 95gig package per extra gig over. Now also think of large family with multiple pc's, there ar at least 5 pc' running in my house so ya 95gigs for 1 person ok for everyone um ya we screwed.

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 17:03
by Nemisis
Well they have had download caps over here for a long time and nobody complains about them, mainly because you can get an unlimited download service for only a few extra pounds so it's no biggy here.

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 17:52
see that I can live with diffrent levels with a ulimited on top . now I did find out here after 25$ of 1.50$ per gig over limit they just stop charging so thats not that bad if you are under 95 no big deal if over you can still be cheeper then 25$ but worst case is 25$ more