Something Wrong with the Forums
Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 06:05
Could not insert new word
SQL Error : 145 Table './rlgphpbb/search_wordlist' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
INSERT IGNORE INTO search_wordlist (word_text, word_common) VALUES ('column', 0), ('definitely', 0), ('double', 0), ('error', 0), ('forums', 0), ('general', 0), ('last', 0), ('message', 0), ('night', 0), ('post', 0), ('posting', 0), ('posts', 0), ('remember', 0), ('section', 0), ('seeing', 0), ('thread', 0), ('unfortunately', 0), ('word', 0), ('wrong', 0)
Line : 234
File : functions_search.php
SQL Error : 145 Table './rlgphpbb/search_wordlist' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
INSERT IGNORE INTO search_wordlist (word_text, word_common) VALUES ('column', 0), ('definitely', 0), ('double', 0), ('error', 0), ('forums', 0), ('general', 0), ('last', 0), ('message', 0), ('night', 0), ('post', 0), ('posting', 0), ('posts', 0), ('remember', 0), ('section', 0), ('seeing', 0), ('thread', 0), ('unfortunately', 0), ('word', 0), ('wrong', 0)
Line : 234
File : functions_search.php