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Toy Airplanes

Posted: 15 Jul 2024, 06:35
by Bones
I'm so used to toy airplanes being USAF or USN so i was pleasantly reminded that I'm in Poland by seeing these kind of toy airplanes here instead (although it has US markings.... Maybe it was captured and turned into an aggressor)



Re: Toy Airplanes

Posted: 15 Jul 2024, 07:20
by PanzerMeyer
Yes, "aggressor" training jet is the only plausible reason I can think of why that SU-30 has US markings!

Re: Toy Airplanes

Posted: 16 Jul 2024, 06:32
by Bones
PanzerMeyer wrote:
15 Jul 2024, 07:20
Yes, "aggressor" training jet is the only plausible reason I can think of why that SU-30 has US markings!

I think this one is he Su-34 Fullback. It doesn't have the bubble canopy and it has wide side by side seating.
