I am now moving very, very fast! Would anyone care to come online to help me realise how wonderfully good fun it is to be faster than a speeding snake!
Sorry if I've misled you there a little. I wasn't talking about my health, although I have to admit I am feeling fairly good at the moment, thankyou very much. However, I WAS talking about my broadband connection . . . . . .
Well, just in case i will check RW 5 about 10 PM EST tonight and see if anyone wants to play RvS or AS.
"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." --Barry Goldwater
The problem is Brian - when I spawn it will be as quickly as you! So I have a better chance of shooting you in the back of the head instead of you having the advantage.
Anyway - are you still around, I'm on #5 if anyone is still around.