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Posted: 30 Oct 2002, 14:32
by Hammer
No, airsoft...

Here is a good link to the event...

It would be cool if you guys could show...I will be there as well, situation permitting. I imagine that it will actually be Raptor and myself looking to take you guys captive!

Why is there no obvious link to the event on Airsoft Retreat home page? Also, their events link does not work... Do you know these guys? :)

Posted: 30 Oct 2002, 15:32
by Hammer
no, other way around - a link to RG from airsoftretreat... as well as their events link not working...

Posted: 30 Oct 2002, 15:47
by Chowda
I'll check my schedule and see if I can bid around it.

Let's see.....out-numbered, in hostile territory, being chased by the bad guys through the woods. I feel a flashback coming on....

You know, I didn't get caught in the evasion phase, chances are that no one would find me and I'd be stuck in the North Texas woods for days.

BBrrrr, getting cold up (uh, I mean down) here