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Posted: 24 Sep 2001, 23:50
by ELH~Lancer
Not so sure about the nude cookouts Mav. If the cooking spits on your bits you are going to be one sorry chef :smile:

Posted: 25 Sep 2001, 19:17
by Hammer
Yah, it might be your property but there are still limits as to what you can do in public view - and out of public view for that least without ppl finding out.

Now if you cook just lean meats on your grill, you might be O.K. with your bits... :grin:

Posted: 26 Sep 2001, 11:31
by BlackHawk*K
ok, first off to tell a bit about myself as requested:
i consider myself a down to earth fellow. i believe in fairness but also understand that as in all things it can be an extremly complicated subject. the same goes for the topic of honor. one mans honor can in many cases be someone elses extreme, or it can be someone elses minimum of what the word means. it gets realy complicated from that point lol. As a person who has had life send him some curve balls, ive realized that for the most part one must TAKE pleasure from life. (no this does not mean take what you want) i mean that a person has to make themselves enjoy life. it in my case just dosnt happen on its own alot. despite daily presures i learned that it is possible to put that on hold in the times you can not do anything about it and enjoy what you can around you. being at this time my life is stresed more then it has ever been. my enjoyment of things are important to me. despite what some ppl who know me believe i am also a worry wart. i worry about things constantly. (another reason why enjoyment is so important to me) i find i worry about my actions all the time, i worry about the things i say and how they may be received. for as long as i remember i have always had a yerning to be just and right in my actions and words. ( i have noticed this in my oldest son as well) there are times that this conflicts though as some of you have seen in the past. things where both sides of an issure can be seen as right or just, but each one of the side dont see it that way. i guess being this way tends to put me in the middle alot. a hard place to be. this has proved to be a problem in the past in leadership of units. as some of you who witnessed this, when action was required i was still mired in thought. i did enjoy my leadership roles i played, not becuse of any power becuse im one who wishes to help others. but sometimes that didnt make me fit to lead. the great thing is. threw all the victories and heartaches of leadership, i wouldnt change anything. i have learned alot about myself and other ppl. invaluable leasons.

as to the topic of opinions and offense. well there is an other touchy subject (just like almost everthing hehe) what can be seen as offensive by one can be seen as scensable by another. its a fact of life. one thing ive learned threw my leadership here, leadership in jobs and marriage, is that you dont have to agree with someone to accept who they are, to like them, or to love them. (cool huh? :razz: ) acceptence is the biggest gift we can give anyone.

some ppl out there are defensive, some ppl just like fighting. some ppl have strict codes they follow their life by. i do the best i can to understand them, then accept them. i dont see anywhere in my instruction booklete that i have to like what they do, feel or think. but that does not mean they do not have the right to do feel or think what they do.

i guess this is a short outline about who i am. as to the other subjects discussed here i leave you the reader of this post to guess my feelings on them from my outline above. this post running to long to comment on them any way. hehe. sometimes i do good at what i belive sometimes i dont. the point is i always keep trying i guess. just try to keep it real, put youself in their place, make you choices, and mistakes. learn from those and try again later.

does this help anyone understand me some?

Posted: 26 Sep 2001, 19:32
by Biobod
Que puedo decir de mi...bueno trato de ser lo mas amigable posible y respeto y apresio a mis hermanos de ELH....los ultimos años han sido tremendos y siento q tengo un verdadero grupo de amigos con quienes hablar y pasar el tiempo, basicamente eso es...escribiria mas pero seria uno de esos mensajes q escribe Mav o BH :smile:.
(this message is in español because thats really me)

Lt.Colonel, Eridani Light Horse
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as
night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt"
Sun Tzu
The Art of War, Standard year circa 500 B.C.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Biobod on 2001-09-26 19:33 ]</font>

Posted: 26 Sep 2001, 21:49
by BlackHawk*K
egads man, i thought i went off the deep end there! j/k :smile:

Posted: 27 Sep 2001, 17:18
by Biobod
I know Mav..i like reading your messages and BH's...the reflect a persong thats thinking not just emotion :smile:.But fot those who dont know my native language what i basicaly said was this i trie to be as respectful and frienly to my ELH brothers, and that i consider you guys my friends, people that even though iv never seen in person i am proud to call my friends :smile:.

Saludo a mis hermanos guerreos!!!

Lt.Colonel, Eridani Light Horse
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as
night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt"
Sun Tzu
The Art of War, Standard year circa 500 B.C.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Biobod on 2001-09-27 17:21 ]</font>