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Where To Find Other Mechs ?
Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 16:09
by Falker
Im seeing lots of Mechs listed in my Merc Booklet ( and on the battle field)but didn't come with the game. Will i have to buy that dang mech pack to acquire them or is there a place to download the mechs?
Missing Mechs:
Artic Wolf
I tossed my Vengeance and BK so they wouldn't torment me anymore so i can't go there. Any help would help.
Posted: 20 Dec 2002, 10:33
by Falker
Thanks Humble , that’s what I thought. I see those packs are between $10 and $15 each. I suppose I’ll wait for awhile. Maybe I could find them on the net somewhere and if I do I’ll be sure and share them. Will see.
<S> Falker
Posted: 22 Dec 2002, 07:22
by Venom
I thought I was poor. Oh well my hard earned $$$ is going towards paintball and upgrading my PC so I am making an investment or something.
Posted: 22 Dec 2002, 10:26
by Tach Deneva
The Mech Packs also come with something called C_DILLA. Shortly after installing them, I noticed a C_DILLA folder on my C drive, which contains some kinda SafeCast Product License DAT files (seems to be some kinda copy protection thing). Out of curiosity, I renamed it B_DILLA - and when I started Mercs, I no longer had access to the Mech Pack Mechs! Also, a *new* C_DILLA folder had appeared, but it lacked any DAT files. Something else I've noticed: some kinda program runs in the background when I play Mercs, called ~ef87a1, which seems to be associated with another file in the TMP folder called SCRfrsh.exe, which is evidently a '32-bit SafeCast Toolkit', whatever that is. Whenever I see this stuff running, I do an End Task on it, cuz I read somewhere that it can degrade game performance big time. Out of curiosity, I moved folder `ef87a1 it to another directory and fired up Mercs - lo and behold, the ~ef87a1 folder automagically reappeared in the TMP directory. I also checked the programs running in the background (ctrl-alt-del), and now there's a ~ef7194 running in addition to the `ef87a1 thing.
I'm sorely tempted to uninstall the Mech Packs.
Anybody know anything else about C_DILLA and SafeCast?
Posted: 22 Dec 2002, 10:59
by Hammer
It is the copy protection scheme used by the mech pak creators. It really sucks. It has to be running on the system in order for you to have access to the mech paks...
It is not that large so unless you are running a BUNCH of stuff and have a memory shortage, I would not worry about it degrading system performance. The app residing in memory takes up around 1.2MB of RAM. So I think all of the alarm about it affecting system performance is due to alarmists that do not like this stuff running... I personally do not like it, but it does not seem to do much harm...