TurboTax 2002 and Safe-Cast
Posted: 24 Jan 2003, 05:53
Originaly posted by me on the DSC forums:
Well Mechwarriors I ran in to a hell of a problem today. I installed TurboTax 2002 to get a head start on my taxes....
well after 2 hrs with tech support because their program would not launch (the product and ID that came with the stupid thing didnt work) I said screw it and went into Zonematch to blow stuff up with my buddies. My mech packs were gone. I rooted around on the Intuit (makers of TTax2002)web page under support and saw a issues with Safe-Cast and C-Dilla...our old friends. Needless to say it took a complete scrub of all MW4 and a total reinstall to get things back to normal..except my TTax program still is useless and completely un-installed. So I figured I'd drop a FYI on the community and have you all keep a eye out, I bet more and more software is going to be using this sludge so beware.
Well Mechwarriors I ran in to a hell of a problem today. I installed TurboTax 2002 to get a head start on my taxes....
well after 2 hrs with tech support because their program would not launch (the product and ID that came with the stupid thing didnt work) I said screw it and went into Zonematch to blow stuff up with my buddies. My mech packs were gone. I rooted around on the Intuit (makers of TTax2002)web page under support and saw a issues with Safe-Cast and C-Dilla...our old friends. Needless to say it took a complete scrub of all MW4 and a total reinstall to get things back to normal..except my TTax program still is useless and completely un-installed. So I figured I'd drop a FYI on the community and have you all keep a eye out, I bet more and more software is going to be using this sludge so beware.