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Some ATC laughs...
Posted: 31 Dec 2002, 02:10
by Softball
Posted: 31 Dec 2002, 08:50
Thanx for that - brought a chuckle or two to these cheeks! I can certainly appreciate some of the stuff in there, it does make you wonder sometimes if they should be in control of an aircraft in the first place, heh?
Posted: 31 Dec 2002, 12:10
by Grifter
LOL. What is the standard corn field landing procedure?
Posted: 31 Dec 2002, 13:44
by Hammer
ummm...with the rows. that way the corn stalks damage only set areas on your leading edges instead of all of it, and your landing gear will not be collapsed by the furrows when you do touch down - provided of course you can keep it straight in the furrows...!
Posted: 31 Dec 2002, 13:58
by Grifter
I knew someone would have an answer to that question. hahahahahah.
Posted: 01 Jan 2003, 09:58
by Grifter
I don't think Cesnas carry ejection seats, but that would be cool if you did have one installed. I can still smell the glue drying on those things.