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Star citizen NEWS! 9-18-15

Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 15:36
by BlackHawk*K
get your most important Star Citizen news here!!!

first up. its the Avenger free fly week. for the next week, those of you who are interested in piloting the Aegis Avenger here is your chance. (Grifter!) the Avenger is going to go threw a pass here in the new future. ( updating it to the new ship standards.) so for this next week CIG asks that you fly the Avenger and give your feedback! check out the web page here: ... he-Avenger

now for the most important news... BlackHawkK has reached level 23 ( thats right folks the front page! ) in racing in Old Vanderval race track! where a 1/10 of a second makes a big difference i jumped up from 32 to 23 today. check it out here: ... -VANDERVAL

and on Rikkord Memorial? 32! check it out here: ... AL-RACEWAY

ok i got the most important stuff out of the way :P

no new updates on a new arena commander build. they did, just update the social module, but nothing to really write home about. you just go in and walk around a city environment. no new, news, on the space marines. will post something as soon as more interesting things come about.

have a good weekend all!.
<S> BlackHawk K

Re: Star citizen NEWS! 11-18-15

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 21:26
by Bronurstomp
Still looking forward to the release. I want to own an entire star system.

Hey BH, I found this... tease tease... ... %26pid%3D1

By the way, I'm nearly reasdy to start building my next battlebot. It's a 12 pound limit class. Let me know if you want pictures :)
I have a challenge for you. I need a 1 inch deep hole, 4mm diam, drilled dead center and straight into one side of a 3" long 1/4" stainless steel axle. 4 Of them PDT_Armataz_01_11
OH and a tapped hole near the end of axle for a set screw. My drive motor shaft is 4mmm and the axle for the wheels is 1/4".

You can do it?


Re: Star citizen NEWS! 9-18-15

Posted: 02 Oct 2015, 07:33
by Bronurstomp
Haven't seen nor heard from you in a while BlackHawk. You doing ok?

I got this in my email, and thought of you. ... C-Endeavor

Is this something you think we could use? Now that I'm working, I can invest a little more into this game, so I'm tempted to purchase this ship.


Re: Star citizen NEWS! 9-18-15

Posted: 03 Oct 2015, 14:56
by BlackHawk*K
hey Bron!

sorry, i havnt checked in on the forums for awhile.

about building the axles.
the job wouldnt be that hard to do. but for me, i did a tear down and rebuild on my metal lathe and stuff. then i got laid off and wasnt able to set it back up again. plus, i have NEVER worked with Stainless before. and im not sure my tooling would be able to work it. or how the material even works. (how it cuts, finishes, or even threads.) at some point if/when i get back on my feet again, i will have to get my setup working, find a piece and play with it and see how it goes.

yea im doing ok. i got laid off for awhile and unemployment insurance is a total joke now. out of 6 weeks off, i only got paid for 3 weeks of it. they make up any and every excuse to deny pay. so i wiped out most of my savings to get threw it. im working right now. but it takes a few months to get back on my feet. its the downside of being paid monthy. uhg.

the Endeavor is a cool ship. i like the concept behind it and the detachable ship on the front. but it needs 16 crew to run. thats a lot of NPCs or friends to crew it lol. the hanger module they are saying can hold possibly 2 hornets inside. or you can use it for cargo if you wish. i cant say to get it or not. just simply dont know enough about how the PU is going to work out yet.

on my racing, ive made slow progress up the ranks. on Old Vanderval now at 19th place, and on the Rikkord Memorial i am now at 15th place!
the race ships are hard to deal with, each feels so very different. the mustang omega/gamma feels like they ride on rails and have substantial boost. but less top speed. the M50 is a bit faster, but drifts just a little more. the 350r is a lot larger, the fastest ship in the game currently, and drifts like your flying on greased owl poo. one thing i have found out though, is if you get decant at racing, it is the quickest and easiest way to build up REC.
even with all my weapon and ship rentals, that i update each weekend, i still have around 100K in my account hehe. oh well, its all fun and games until you crash into a billboard ;)