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2.5 live
Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 12:30
by Bronurstomp
2.5 Overview
From the new Grim Hex landing zone located deep inside the Yela asteroid belt to the flyable Argo MPUV and MISC Reliant, there's a ton of new content available in SC Alpha 2.5. Get an overview of what you can do by watching the trailer, then dig into the details by exploring the patch notes and feature list. ... -Available
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 03 Oct 2016, 10:40
by Bronurstomp
I just noticed BlackHawkK is in TOP PLAYERS
Congratulations to the following players, the best pilots in Arena Commander as of Thursday, Sep 29th 2016.
Is that you BH?
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 21:31
by Hammer
That is him. He has pretty much forsaken us for SC. That is OK, it might be time to take a look at it now.
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 20:04
by BlackHawk*K
yes im totally addicte.... dedicated to SC racing right now LOL...
yea that was me Bronurstomp.
not really forsaken, i have just been working hard lately. so i come home play a for a bit then crash. im also working on things to see if i can do content creation with Star Citizen. but there is a lot to learn to do it half way successfully. part of it was Bron's idea about youtube. im hoping to do both youtube and Twitch streaming maybe.
as to looking at getting back into it? well its still buggy as hell. and probably will be for some time. they are still tweaking things like flight dynamics and stuff.. and the network code is still the old Cryengine stuff. so things can get desynced and what looks like FPS lag is often do to network lag. that being said. there are still some fun aspects to it.
in upcoming 2.6 patch. they are introducing star marine. the first person aspect to arena commander. with a new friend/foe ID system and stuff. it could make the FPS aspect a lot of fun if they pull it off right. there will also be a major change in flight dynamics regarding space combat speeds and boost, and After burn.
in 3.0 they are going to implement the new network code, Planetary landings and a LOT more places in the Public Universe. really looking forward to that one!
so far out of the original Cryengine code they purchased. they have now modified and rewritten over 50% of it. thats kind of amazing if you think about it. its practically a new game engine at this point. if you guys looked at the 2016 Citizen Con presentation. the game play in that is exactly what i was hoping for in star citizen. i wish they would let us play that little bit NOW lol
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 20:34
by Hammer
well at least we know you are still alive!
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 01:00
by BlackHawk*K
so, im just curious. is there a reason i dont get notifications when someone replies to a thread? i used to back in the day. but i dont seem to now days. ( yes same email and stuff...)
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 18 Oct 2016, 17:38
by Bronurstomp
I have wondered about that my own self. But I check in often enough it seems. btw I posted a new topic on MWO board.
Even though I spend most of my time between MWO and PS2, I'm still playing SC a little here and there. It crashes a lot. So just not playing until I have more control over the interface. If the universe were live now I would die
so often, and spend all the time respawing.
I watched that guy in the video and I saw a lot of ways that it could have gone badly for me trying to find a key.
I hope they have a fully immersive VR set up. I suspect actually, that the release of this game and the maturity of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality tech is going to mesh very well. That and a good control interface setup. Imagine if they could animate the hands in the cockpit to mimic your own hands, and actually operate cockpit controls!
And Hey nice job on the leader boards BH! How have you been? We was startin to worry
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 21 Oct 2016, 19:35
by BlackHawk*K
i believe they are expecting to have VR and track IR stuff back in the game before launch. right now, they seem to be concentrating on more important Tech features. like in 3.0 they are supposed to have a whole new net framework that should stop a lot of crashing in the universe we have right now. like i was mentioned they have over 50% of Cryengine modified so far. i suspect they are probably going to reach 80% at some point. so im not sure when, but they are talking about supporting all the peripherals like VR. although im not sure they will do the hand thing
@Bron, yea im doing ok. been super busy for quite awhile. finally starting to slow down a little. thanks for the congrats. people finally figured out how to get the M50 to fly right and with its acceleration im starting to lose spots on the leader board so now im down to 5th place in OV and 4th on the other two. its hard being old and a 350r pilot in a young guy M50 world lol
i have been trying to be really active in the Star Citizen thing. its kind of paying off now. i cant talk a lot about it, but i can say that i have been invited to the Evocati team. its a special team of testers who will test builds BEFORE they go to the public test universe. but if my app is accepted then i wont be able to talk about it because its all under NDA. it most likely wont be a huge amount of fun. considering how broken the builds are. but i will be able to have a louder voice in things like Bugs, and flight dynamics and basic Game play. the only problem is, if i see something totally cool. i wont be able to talk about it
im a bit hesitant and a bit excited about the upcoming 2.6 patch...
im a bit hesitant because they are going to halve the SCM ( space combat mode) speed for all the ships. something to do with having less "boom and zoom" fighting and try to get ship combat more like WWII dog fighting. the issue for me is. im worried how it well effect my racing!! lol i guess they will be revamping the boost and after burn aspect as well. so hopefully it will make up for the lack of speed to at least keep racing fun.
im excited about 2.6 because they are going to add the Star Marine function to the game. thats the first person shooter aspect. supposedly with improved friend and foe identification. so if we are on a squad it should be easy to see that we are friendlies in a combat situation.
3.0 is going to rock too. but i have a feeling it will be awhile before it will get close enough to really speculate on.
right now im working on getting a area to put a green screen for my youtubing and twitch streaming. hopefully i can get it kind of done this weekend. if i get some things going i will post some links in the forums here. just be warned. you guys will get to see just how ugly i actually am
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 20:43
by Hammer
you have to reply to the topic, and ensure that when you reply you check the box that states Notify me when a reply is posted under the text field that you type the reply in.
umm, about half the fighters in WW2 used boom and zoom tactics! do they know what they are talking about and doing?
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 19:53
by BlackHawk*K
Hammer wrote:umm, about half the fighters in WW2 used boom and zoom tactics!
thats a good point, if i get a chance i will bring that up. i mean Chris Roberts even said that he wanted this game's space combat feel more like WWII style of dog fighting...
being evocati kind of sucks now... i cant talk about anything that isnt already released.... uhg..
and Hammer.... by the looks at it. the reply Tab is ALREADY checked... but i havnt gotten an email from in a long time..
im going to try to check my email setting on the forum, see if its correct.
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 21:33
by Hammer
yeah - see that your email address is correct and you are not blocking it at your receiving end. also ensure your forum profile is set to receive emails from the forum.
maybe also check the user control panel-> board preferences->edit posting defaults-> notify me upon replies by default and set to yes just to see if that works.
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 26 Nov 2016, 18:13
by Bronurstomp
Well, they are trying pretty hard to keep everyone appraised of their progress!
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 21:36
by Bronurstomp
So am I to believe that we could fly into an AI space whale? Cause that would be kinda neat
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 21:51
by BlackHawk*K
LOL. the space whale is sort of a in game joke... kind of like the T-Rex in the battlefield series...
but that being said. they havnt denied the idea that we may run into some sort of space organisms. at this point i think they are just working on basic, needed game aspects. but after the game launches, they have said they will be continually adding things into the game for content. so i really hope we DO end up seeing space whales lol.
Re: 2.5 live
Posted: 05 Dec 2017, 20:38
by Bronurstomp
Really, 3 fricken years and still not even a beta release? SHM.
What a con job Star Citizen turned out to be.