Mission briefing, mission card and recon photos will also be in your kneeboard. We also recently captured Sukhumi-Babushara and have stationed some aircraft there, so check for proximity for your flights/target areas. Continue mission by finishing the strikes at Gudauta, then hit Sochi-Adler (note the runway at Gudauta will not show the craters from bombing unless we do that again - but enemy air spawns at Gudauta have been disabled).
1. Mission
Mission type: Airfield Interdiction
Situation: Enemy air activity has been high; the air threat needs to be reduced to allow us to support the ground war and strike strategic targets. We will strike Gudauta first, and then Sochi-Adler. The objective is to reduce the operational capabilities of these airfields; the targets are the runways, control facilities, fuel and ammunition stores. Once these primary targets are hit, other targets of opportunity may be engaged.
2. Tac Admin
Callsigns and roles:
Anvil: airfield strike group
Ares: CAP/Escort
OOB Threats: various air threats; MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29 (A and S), SU-27, SU-33, SU-30
OOB Friendly: US NAVY F/A-18C, F-14B, Pakistani JF-17, French Mirage 2000C, USAF F-15C, A-10C, F-16C, Georgian SU-25T, Ukrainian SU-33, MiG-29, German MiG-29
EMCON: Radar: standard, ECM: standard, Radio: standard
Loadout: set by flight lead for target
Target Coordinates:
Gudauta: runway 15 center N43 6.774 E40 34.232 alt 69’
fuel dump N43 5.877 E40 34.409 alt 33’
ammo dump N43 7.44 E40 33.145 alt 52’
Sochi-Adler: runway 24 center N43 26.667 E39 57.56 alt 98’
runway 06 center N43 26.679 E39 56.525 alt 98’
fuel dump N43 26.160 E39 56.269 alt 98’
ammo dump N43 26.233 E39 55.915 alt 98’
BULLS: N42 307.972 E041 52.302 (Waypoint 1)
Boom tanker Shell KC-135 268.000MHz 14X
Basket Tanker Texaco KC-135MPRS 267.000MHz 13X
Basket Tanker Arco S-3B 238.000MHz 38X
CVN-71 127.500 MHz 71X ICLS: 1
CVN-74 128.500 MHz 74X ICLS: 4
Admiral Kuznetsov 129.500Mhz
3. Adversary Info: Known SAM threats are SA-10, SA-8, SA-6, SA-15, SA-18 MANPADS. Enemy air threats as noted previously, flights of 2 or 3 aircraft, occasional coordination between enemy flights to pincer.
4. Tac Conduct:
Anvil and Voodoo to carry self-protect A2A weapons as Ares may not be able to prevent all enemy air from reaching the target area. Anvil and Voodoo to clear with Package commander before going A2G.
Ares to aggressively engage enemy air that are vectoring to target area. Do not pursue more than 40nm from target area.
Voodoo ingresses to target area first to ensure the SAM threat is null. If fuel and loadout permit after SEAD/DEAD mission complete Vodoo to provide close escort for Anvil or assist Ares at Flight lead discretion.
ROE: weapons free on enemy units, must have positive ID, civilian casualties to be avoided at all costs
Comms rules: keep comms to all flights to a minimum after package commander calls zip-lip. comms within own flight at flight lead discretion.
5. Contingencies:
Engagement: ALWAYS verify targets with AWACS, IFF or visual ID before launching; watch for friendly fire when enemy/friendlies are merged; coordinate with others to engage enemy.
Comms: as briefed
Lost Contact – Rally Point, fix comms
Wed Mar 17 - Airfield Interdiction (continued)
Moderator: RLG MGMT Team
Wed Mar 17 - Airfield Interdiction (continued)
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Re: Wed Mar 10 - Airfield Interdiction
I was thinking maybe I will take an F-14B loaded up with GBU-16s and either the JTAC (if any) can lase for me or a buddy can lase for me. Either way I would need the code before takeoff.
I can hit the POL or other buildings if precision strike is needed. Otherwise, if there is no JTAC or no one is available to lase, I can just drop them iron dumb onto runways and taxiways or something.
I'm just curious as to how the Tomcat will do with no human RIO in MP.
Of course Grif if you want to fly the Tomcat and have me RIO we can do that too. We'll have you RIO LANTIRN after we get you trained up in it as we discussed.
I can hit the POL or other buildings if precision strike is needed. Otherwise, if there is no JTAC or no one is available to lase, I can just drop them iron dumb onto runways and taxiways or something.
I'm just curious as to how the Tomcat will do with no human RIO in MP.
Of course Grif if you want to fly the Tomcat and have me RIO we can do that too. We'll have you RIO LANTIRN after we get you trained up in it as we discussed.
"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot
Re: Wed Mar 10 - Airfield Interdiction
I am initially up for Voodoo until air defense is suppressed/destroyed, then Anvil or Ares as needed.