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Mission Night 9/27/23

Posted: 24 Sep 2023, 06:33
by Grifter
Hi all,

I'm seriously trying to get on and fly with you all again on a regular basis, but work has sabotaged my attempts. Last week, we had a crisis meeting to deal with a union matter and it ran long. This week I have parent teacher night Wednesday evening and so I won't be on. I'm available to fly on Monday night and possibly Thursday night for those interested in joining me. I should be on to fly next Wednesday night without issue. Sorry for not being around.


Re: Mission Night 9/27/23

Posted: 24 Sep 2023, 15:18
by PanzerMeyer
Hey Grif, no need to be sorry. Life just happens sometimes. I don’t have a problem with flying DCS this week on Thursday instead of Wednesday if that’s ok with most of us here.

Re: Mission Night 9/27/23

Posted: 25 Sep 2023, 05:36
by Cr33p3r
Yes don't worry about real life stuff. I missed last Wed because work just plain tired me out.

I would normally be able to fly Thurs but this week I'm seeing a movie with my son so I'll miss it. I do Arma with SimHQ/Trichome/Panzer on Mondays typically.

Re: Mission Night 9/27/23

Posted: 25 Sep 2023, 06:44
by Trichome
Hey Grifter, if you see me online Thursday feel free to message me. If I can hop on I will.

Re: Mission Night 9/27/23

Posted: 25 Sep 2023, 06:44
by Bones
hi Grif,

I can do tonight with you as we have been. If no one else shows we can hone our skills as before. I've been concentrating on keeping that tally going, and it's going pretty well until TrackIR ruins it for me haha. Let's fly tonight, just let me know what time (2000 eastern seems to work out pretty well).

Normally I can fly on Thu night but I have my mom's bday to go to and a friend's concert afterwards. But if anything falls through, I'll let you know.


Re: Mission Night 9/27/23

Posted: 25 Sep 2023, 18:46
by Grifter
Hey guys,

Thanks for understanding. I flew tonight with Bones. I will be on next Wednesday night, Oct. 4th. I think that I will wait until then in the hopes that we can all be on at the same time. :-)