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Wednesday Night Mission 05.15.24

Posted: 14 May 2024, 09:30
by Bones
After last Wednesday's mission, we were barely able to get Aleppo to go neutral. Tomorrow night's mission will focus primarily on rushing over to Aleppo and taking it to the Blue side. This will mean that we need to send a C-130/UH-60/Mi-8/Mi-24 there quickly and under air cover to take it. We have noticed enemy air step up their defenses since last Wednesday, so that air to air coverage will really be needed to insure that we get assets to Aleppo safely. The good news is that since Delta has been taken and Aleppo is neutral, there are no relatively close airbases for the enemy to send forced to take back Aleppo. However, keep in mind that the air threat is not necessarily just fighters intent on taking down our cargo/transports, but also Mi-8s or Mi-24s that might try to resupply Aleppo. The enemy has also at times attempted to retake territory with a convoy rather than via air, so air coverage means not only protecting our logistic flights, but also taking out enemy logistic flights and possibly mobile enemy assets.

It may be beneficial, depending on your lineup and turnout, tho have TWO logistical flights to increase our chances of taking Aleppo. I can fly the C-130, Creeper can fly the Mi-24/Mi-8. Then we will need PM/Jedi/Grifter/Xpen to cover us and take out enemy logistics.

After we take Aleppo, we can decide what to try and take next once we have that base secured.


Re: Wednesday Night Mission 05.15.24

Posted: 14 May 2024, 09:59
by PanzerMeyer
I seem to recall that F-15C's are available. I'll hop in one and take off ASAP.

Re: Wednesday Night Mission 05.15.24

Posted: 15 May 2024, 09:16
by Cr33p3r
I plan to be on. I will take the Mi24. The Mi8 is fun and challenging but less offensive/defensive capabilities.

Can an Mi-24 be put at Hatay? Would save 15-20 min flight time to not have to leave from the FOB on the coast. Two would be better and an FOB even closer with Mi24 would be better yet.