Buff's WoF Slot campign Info

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Buffalo Six
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Buff's WoF Slot campign Info

Post by Buffalo Six »

Well, I finished our air field on Russell Is. We are flying out of Renard, just south of the other fighter base Sunshine. Our primary mission will be air interdiction and escort (this would be historical). Because IL2 does not let us damage ships (even little ones) with our guns, doign anti shipping is a waste (wasnt until the latter stages of the Bougainville campaign that Corsairs carried anything other than drop tanks). So get used to air to air work.

I have changed our squadron to VMF-124. They were formed after the Guadalcanal operations from a nucleolus of 'canal marine vets, and was one of the 1st Marine squadrons equipped with F4u-1 (birdcage) corsairs. They initially were based on Guadalcanal and then were sent for R+R for 6 weeks in Austraila, and when they returned they flew out of Renard for the New Georgia campaign in F4U-1a's (not the damn birdcage). This is where we will take up the story.

For our squad, I chose to use the 4 card suits on different colored tails to display section positions instead of letters A, B, C, D which are hard to read. This really means nothing other than gives me something to tinker with while doing skins. That and I think it looks cool.

So i will be making missions that can be flown in any order and we can start clearing the Japs from the Slot
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Post by Grifter »

ahhhyeeah, this is gonna be sweet. Thanks Buff for all your hard work. I'm looking forward to this bigtime.
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