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So...Who has 4.091bm, and what do you think?
Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 07:21
by Buffalo Six
Topic says it all.
What are your impressions?
one side note, I'll upload a patch to fix something the beta screws up. When playing a online campaign, all your ranks (other than US) are in russian and so are the medals. I have found a fix for this...I'll upload it when I upload the other files for the mod.
Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 11:28
I have not installed it yet, sorry no time lol
I will try grabbing it tonight
Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 08:12
by Buffalo Six
the More I fly with the 4.09b1m MOD, the more I think the heart of the MOD (the 4.09beta patch) fixed some of the FMs. I cant remember the patch, maybe 4.06 that added Olegs physics models from his BoB project into PF. I remember because the Corsair my squad flew became very unstable. Feeling like the plane was a bowling ball balanced on the tip of a pin. You know what I'm talking about because we have discussed it over comms.
with the mod enabled and thus the 4.09beta patch, the Corsair now feels a good way....its almost like they have their mass back. I think that was one of the problems with Olegs experimental FM he added in 4.06....heavy planes felt light on mass and thus felt unstable. I am beginning to think 4.09beta has fixed a lot of these issues. I even noticed it when flying a offline campaign (Spit'n Fire) covering BoB flying Spits, and Hurri's the planes felt heavier. I know from flyign the B17 and B24 that those planes feel massive and ponderous like they should....
anyway I just wanted to point out that while the MOD part of 4.09beta has not messed with FMs or DMs, the overall beta patch seems to have fixed some things.
Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 08:33
ya I noticed the Corsair was more stable the other night as well, I love the plane but now it rocks. Also love the noise of the darn thing and starting the engines the fire comming out of the engine is just a sweet tuch.
Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 13:40
by daofcmacg
I recently came back to IL2 playing the VVS alternate 1946 time line and man is it me or how can a Folke Wolfe outfly a MIG-9? The damn thing out climbed me out banked me and out dived me. Also the ME262 gave me a frightful ending to my life time and time again. I acknowledged that the ME262's bread and butter was and if they were still around is climb then dive on your prey. Everytime I climbed to meet them I would look and say hey where did they go and I'd look up to see them another 1500km higher than me. In the Briefs they proclaimed the MIG-9 is a better aircraft overall but I can't just see it. We spoke about this once before, especially with the p-51's turn radius, AoA and Stall speed, but I just can't see how the infamous MIG can be beat by a ME262. I don't know man, maybe I should turn off the wind and turbulence but that would take away from the game?
I guess they fixed the issue with the Corsair being slow as hell, I've never maxed that thing out beyond 290kh str8 and level.
Didn't they fix the AI flight model or do I need to edit some config files?
Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 14:49
by Buffalo Six
2 things from my experience with this sim over the years.
1st is.......the AI cheats. They dont burn engines out with heat, they have no -G limits (watch an AI in a A6M5-21 sometime when they do a -G outside roll) and they have no pilot G-Lock. They also dont suffer from compression (again watch a A6M5-21 follow a F4u-1a thru a 390 KIAS dive and then pull out) and on top of all of that they fly the perfect airspeed curve at all times. Also they can see thru clouds, mountains and in pitch black night.
The one saving grace to a lot of that at least with the Japanese AI (not sure if they actually program the different nationality's but I mean whoever AI is flying a zero) they COULD NOT shoot deflection worth a shit. got 2 zeros on your tail? make a moderate left hand climbing the rounds sail wide right forever till they run dry. 4.09beta patch....seems to have fixed that problem and they will now HAMMER your right wing....its like they are still missing....but now not missing enough....ask Veg how many times last night I lost my right hand guns.
2nd is the AI knows what kind of fight to make. If the AI is flying a will turn and burn and pull eye bleeding a will BandZ you to death. Thats boom and zoom. Ever notice that when your chasing a enemy flying a similar plane type as you (like you in a Spit and a German in a 109 G2) and his higher than you and flying away and your chasing and climbing at the same time and making no ground. The moment you give up and turn away he will switch right back into the attack? or that a pair will break off, climb to get a alt. advantage and then reengage. Its the AI playing to its planes strength....and he fly's perfect....if hes set on vet or ace, your problem is just magnified.
I dont worry about max flat speed, because in this game its calculated on one map (Crimera IIRC) at 100m, in perfect trim, with Rads closed with Full Engine Management on. So things like prop pitch (if thats available on that plane) and or RPM setting and how many inches of mercury your pulling at the manifold will determine speed.
Contrary to popular belief....havign the prop at full pitch is not optimal for speed.....its optimal for ACM and power/state changes, and it burns more fuel too boot. If I'm not flying with yall and I have FEM on, I tend to keep the RPMs in the 75-80% range (prop pitch, which on most allied fighters is auto set by prop RPM) and my throttle set to maintain whatever KIAS I need, and maintain level flight. I will say that the Corsair -1a and -1d will fly per the numbers listed on its engine card....because I have had to do it. I took an fuel tank hit and egressed away, climbed and set up for MAX cruise, and flew back to the boat, an hour away (I lost 70% 0f my gas) and still made the landing. So the I know the corsair will fly pretty close to the numbers if flown properly.
But having said that, a plane like the corsair is a B and Z bird for the most part, its heavy and frankly doesnt accelerate real fast, but havign said that, if I can get a Zero 1v1, I can (and do) turn the engagement and push the zero all over the sky, I may not be able to shoot well, but he will have a hell of a time shaking me. Ask Veg....he has seen me do it over and over again. If you can force your way into a lag pursuit position and keep a little alt. (dosent have to be much) advantage, you will push the guy all over the sky. You have to use the vertical and get good at the high yo-yo or what I call the outside roll-yo (enemy breaks hard left, your pull high, roll right and puch back into Lag)....anyway...keep this up and when he is low and slow and tumbleweed (even the AI gets tumbleweed for a second or so) cut his wing off.
I hope that helps some.....I know it was a "wall of text"
Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 15:24
by daofcmacg
OK BUFF I need you to train me!
Posted: 11 Nov 2008, 16:02
by Buffalo Six
hop on comms I'm practicing now if you want to join
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 08:33
by daofcmacg
Sorry I missed that Buf, I am going to make it a point to workout with you when we can get together, its a new day and I'm not worried about anything anymore.
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 08:34
by PanzerMeyer
I've updated my IL-2 and I will definitely be online Friday night for flying.
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 08:46
by Buffalo Six
cool Panzer, do you know if grifter and/or Letterboy, Jedi have also got it and will be joining us?
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 09:31
by PanzerMeyer
Buffalo Six wrote:cool Panzer, do you know if grifter and/or Letterboy, Jedi have also got it and will be joining us?
I'm pretty sure Letterboy can make it but I doubt Jedi will since he has tv shows he watches on Friday night.
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 10:41
I have a b day party to go to but I am on call so if tonight is a bad on call night I an't going tomorrow it its a good night I will take the chance and go have a beer
I can see it now 6 beers and get called, the Toronto MAg server is down nation wide outage you need to fix it now. O crap lol
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 10:52
by PanzerMeyer
VEGETA wrote:I have a b day party to go to but I am on call so if tonight is a bad on call night I an't going tomrow it its a good night I will take the chance and go have a beer
They have birthday parties in Canada?
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 10:55
yes, but unlike the states we usually get strippers
For my birthday I want 2 this year lol
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 18:25
by daofcmacg
Ok why is 9.01 in Russian??
Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 18:56
by Buffalo Six
doh...I forgot to mention that.....hold on and I'll put the fix in the portal
Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 07:33
by Buffalo Six
which i forgot to do...DA if you can get to AAA....try this link.........
that fixed most of my career campaign "Russian" problems. I think this happened because the beta patch was leaked from the russian DEV team working on the everything was in russian, that link fixed most of seems to only effect the pilot career stuff, not the COOP stuff