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Next Up missions wise........

Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 12:41
by Buffalo Six
well for my next work, I am seriously considering doing a COOP set for us starting from Guadalcanal and progressing all the way thru to the end op Operation Cartwheel, basically the Reduction of Rabaul which will take us to the tip of Bouganville Is.. The team that made the slot map is now working on a New Guinea / New Brittan map at 3/4 scale that has all of NB and the important parts of NG but its still going to be huge.

Now the question becomes, who do we fly and what. I'd prefer Corsairs because its a plane I know well and I have a squadron skin template already set up from my old squadron, so I could make personal skins for everyone. I just have to remember how to do its been a few years. Or... fly Hellcats, and Id have to make a new template if we want paint jobs. With Corsairs we'd be either Navy or Marines, with the Hellcats we'd be pretty much Navy. I'd do a wildcat set but flying the F4F-4 gets tedious fast to me.
The AAF was more in the NG ops area but AAF in the slot was mainly bombers, SBDs (AAF called them S-24's IIRC), P-39s (yuck) and P40s here and there (double yuck).

What do you guys think?

Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 13:17
Corsairs please