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IL-2 and AEP
Posted: 10 Jun 2004, 08:22
by PanzerMeyer
Jedi, Gator and I finally got to play some COOP missions last night and it was a blast. We gladly invite more interested gamers to join us!
Posted: 10 Jun 2004, 16:09
by Jedi Master
That's usually 8-11 Eastern time during the week. We'll play later on the weekends, of course!
Posted: 10 Jun 2004, 20:36
by Hammer
i have both, love the game, but unfortunately i can not make any times that early... MAYBE once in a while at 10 PM eastern, but not often.
Posted: 11 Jun 2004, 00:17
by Hammer_other
My friend is always on at that sort of time, I'll enquire to see if he wants to join in
Posted: 11 Jun 2004, 19:02
by Jedi Master
Well if more people showed up on the weekends who had games other than RvS or OFP we might play one of those! I liked when we were playing LOMAC after it came out (although it's MP issues has put it to the backburner for now--here's hoping for some real improvement with the patch!).
RvS is great and all, but I'd say if you added up all the time I've spent playing it Friday nights (and on occasion other times either solo or with Panzer) I've played more RvS than ANY other game in the last year since it came out. Naturally Athena Sword meant we played it more again, and I think it's a great game, but there are other great games we have that shouldn't be neglected.
Il-2 w/AEP is definitely one of those.
Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 12:17
by PanzerMeyer
I was thinking about maybe doing some more IL-2/AEP this Thursday or Friday night.
Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 12:21
by Hammer_other
OK, see post in other forum...