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DCG "mini-campaigns"
Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 12:18
by PanzerMeyer
I am going to create several DCG "mini-campaigns" for this Friday night. By "mini" I mean campaigns of about 5-6 missions each. That way we will have plenty of variety with planes, nationalities and maps.
What do you guys think? Good idea? Bad idea?
Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 13:14
by Hammer
how about we try the in-game coop campaign system? we have never actually done that. thoughts?
Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 18:33
by Jedi Master
I think the one in-game doesn't let you specify as much, does it? I mean, with DCG you can specify several flyable squads per campaign, but doesn't the stock game give you ONLY the squad you're in?
Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 18:40
by Hammer
correct. but does the stock generator give screwed up waypoints and such that do not make sense?
Posted: 05 Jan 2006, 04:58
by PanzerMeyer
Steel wrote:correct. but does the stock generator give screwed up waypoints and such that do not make sense?
The stock generator does put in valid waypoints but the problem is that the stock MP campaigns get stale after a while because you are flying the same planes, bombing the same targets, etc.
I'll see if there is a way to specify the waypoints in DCG.
Posted: 05 Jan 2006, 12:09
by Hammer
if you really are flying a campaign you are SUPPOSED to be flying the same planes until the squadron changes!
i think we have only really finished one or two campaigns, and lost both. we did, however, do it correctly and fly the same squadron plane.
the issue is you all (or some or a couple of you) don't really want to fly a campaign and experience that. you want to jump around because you get bored (short attention span?). ;)
Posted: 05 Jan 2006, 12:27
by PanzerMeyer
Steel wrote:
the issue is you all (or some or a couple of you) don't really want to fly a campaign and experience that. you want to jump around because you get bored (short attention span?). ;)
Not me! I dont mind flying the same plane as long as I rack up the air and ground kills.
Has Nidia started flying IL-2 yet? I remember you told me once that she had some interest in the flight sim!
Posted: 05 Jan 2006, 12:35
by Jedi Master
Considering the sheer volume of planes available to fly in Il-2, I see no reason to spend over a dozen missions flying the same plane and same variant. Easily over 50% of the planes in the game we've never flown online.
Posted: 05 Jan 2006, 12:41
by PanzerMeyer
I've been thinking. How about a dcg mini-campaign as the Germans where we get to fly all the "experimental" planes like the GO 229, ME 163, ME 262 and HE 162? Oooh, I'll do that. Good idea?
Posted: 05 Jan 2006, 14:15
The only problem there is that your mission can be over very quickly if the experimental aircraft isn't treated with kid gloves. Don't take me wrong, I DO like the idea, but lack of success in mission may be the sour taste on that. That's why I bought SFP1, so I could dogfight in early era jets.
Me? I'll go with the general flow of wqhatever everyone else wants to do.

Posted: 05 Jan 2006, 21:42
by Hammer
Jedi, that is not the idea behind a campaign... no RL pilots did that, and the idea is to simulate. seems you prefer JBOM (just a bunch of missions!

thought you might appreciate the acronym)?
Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 04:40
by Jedi Master
Well, as it is the batches of missions we fly ALWAYS feature the same small set of planes.
The other planes we fly far less, if at all. Of course, those other planes are more obscure for a reason--generally they're not as good, and I don't think we could take a campaign in a Romanian or Finnish plane without totally being wiped off the planet! This leaves the above mentioned planes as being the competitive ones, and already we always fly them!
The reason I mentioned a campaign vs single missions is the campaigns do not require more than a few initial settings, while creating an entire mission from scratch for the less flown planes takes a lot of time. There are almost none out there, so you can't DL any.
The other reason I mentioned short campaigns is the dynamic ones have the habit of falling into a rut. I can't remember how many times we've had 3 missions in a row flying the same planes against the same planes over the same target area with the same mission, to the extent that whether the briefing updated or got stuck it didn't matter! It was all the same!
This doesn't happen in F4, for example. Despite it being the same plane, it's multirole so you can fly SEAD one time, CAS another, intercept another, etc.
I mean, we don't just play the exact same mission in OFP again and again, why would we want to fly that way?
Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 04:58
by PanzerMeyer
I finished making 2 mini campaigns last night (each with 8 missions). One has you flying as the Germans in 1945 and you can fly most of the jet/rocket planes. The other campaign is American Navy in the Pacific and you can fly the late war fighters and dive bombers.
Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 09:35
Okay mate. You've put time in to provide us with something to do. The least we can do is give it a go.

Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 11:48
by Jedi Master
Were there late-war dive bombers? Or did they just keep using the mid-war ones?
I was fairly sure by war's end they were convinced the day of the dive bomber was over thanks to the accuracy of flak.
Posted: 06 Jan 2006, 12:04
by PanzerMeyer
Jedi Master wrote:Were there late-war dive bombers? Or did they just keep using the mid-war ones?
US Navy kept using the Dautnless and the Helldiver all the way til the end of WWII. The Helldiver was supposed to be the replacement for the Dauntless but it was later discovered after some real world combat experience that the Helldiver wasn't so great so the Navy kept using the Dauntless as well until war's end.
Posted: 08 Jan 2006, 03:13
The British also developed a fairly decent aircraft towards the end of the war, the Sea Fury, which I don't think actually saw action. But it was supposedly a vast improvement over the Sea Fire (Naval Spitfire). Would loved to have seen that as a part of it all (AND in iL-2 :lol: )