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Model Trains

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 14:13
by daofcmacg
Well with the purchase of my new home I have a huge basement that is begging for my personal touch and one of them will be model railroading. So down the line as the months go by I will be posting pics here of my progress of the different model railroading projects that I will be working on.

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 14:36
by Madrus
what gauge are you using DA? I have some N gauge trains that i have worked with in the past; no room to set them up now, though.

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 19:29
by Hammer
N gauge is pretty cool - you can do a lot in a very small space.

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 09:26
by daofcmacg
YUP N gauge is what I'm working with, I should be getting another set for christmas and I will link the two with a double curve bend for to start a rail yard.


Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 11:44
by Grifter
Wow! Being in WOF leads to pleasant surprises. Who would've thought you guys would share a mutual interest in model railroading, especially when you joined the group to play military sims? That's pretty. By the way, I inherited my father's American flyer set complete with two engine, everything is metal and original. Good stuff. :D

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 11:49
by daofcmacg
man thats a nice set there. Wowwweeeee!! I never owned a real trainset and I always wanted one so now I am buying it myself. What I have to do now is buy a power pack to run my four cars.


Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 12:18
by Gator

I have American Flyer stuff too... Got it from my dad and granddad. I just don't have much good track. The locomotives are all good and the power supplies are fine, but the track is iffy.


Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 13:35
by Grifter

I think all the parts are still in good working order. The power pack may need fixing. I believe I still got enough of the original track to make figure eights or an oval. I got small buildings and trees as well, but I think my dad bought those extra. All that stuff is actually at my fathers in a closet in the cellar. But, he says I'm obligated to take it with me once I have my own home. Who knows I might even set it up again someday.

Gator, that's cool the locos still work. I'll bet you could scrounge for some track on ebay or get a close facsimile out of a modern set?

Wow, I can't believe we stumbled on this mutual interest?! too funny. Stil,, you guys seemed to know all about this stuff. N gage? I didn't know there were different gages.

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 14:24
by daofcmacg
You should see some of the model train sites on the net, they even have software/shareware that links up a bunch of guys to run a virtual rail system that works off the original system the United States have in use today. There is a monthly fee to be apart of it. The virtual rail system works by lets say I start a freight train from Chicago and send it to Vienna Virgina to Gator, I will receive e-Mails on its progress from point to point to point until it ends in Vienna and Gator receives it.


Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 15:38
by Gator
There is some new American Flyer track available, but the main problem for me is that American Flyer is a large-ish scale (it's like 1:68, S-Gauge I think) that needs a bit of space for any kind of setup. I just don't have that space right now. I haven't had it set-up since I lived at my parent's house. The good thing is that 1/72 scale aircraft models are just about the right size (and there's even 1/72 military vehicles, tanks, and jeeps too). My flat-bed cars were often spotted carrying sherman tanks in circles...

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 16:24
by Madrus
i have n gauge trains, but they are packed away in storage for our move next month.

We had American Flyer when we were kids; then we traded them in for the new fangled HO stuff in the 50's. then i traded the HO stuff in for the N gauge in the 70's and have kept the n gauge ever since.

Posted: 25 Dec 2003, 19:41
by daofcmacg
I'm sorry guys but I am working with HO scale. The British wonder that caught on in the 50's. Sorry about that.