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31st MEU
Posted: 24 Mar 2003, 17:22
Another new mod is available at FilePlanet via It is approximately 73 MB in size, and I will get back to you with an initial review as soon as I have tried it out.
Posted: 24 Mar 2003, 18:08
by Hammer
Well??? You've had over 40 minutes... ;)
Posted: 24 Mar 2003, 18:26
Heyyyyyyyy!!! Quit buggin' me man, I'm busy here . . . . . :roll:
Posted: 25 Mar 2003, 15:38
by Madrus
it's tuesday. you done downloading yet K?
Posted: 25 Mar 2003, 17:32
Actually? NO!
My first d/l appears to have a problem, not sure - but when I unzipped, I did not find the expected files, so am d/l-ing again!
Should be done in an hour . . . . :roll:
Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 15:08
I have had a small chance to look at this mod now - nothing dramatic as far as I am concerned. I must say that the new digi-camo is very nice though. It's certainly worth having a go at the campaign missions.
As far as the d/l is concerned you can do one of two things - due to some error or other with the upload:
1. D/L also Winace v2.2 from and use this to extract the relevant folder.
2. D/L the alternative exe.
All the instructions and hints required are in the forum link given in the main page article. Pages 6 to 9 has all the answers. I can help explain fully if anyone is suffering problems.
Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 19:37
Okay guys - check out for the following additions to the 31st MEU:
Metrotarn Camo
USMC Patch
Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 19:55
by Madrus
hmmm. my dl and install went routine. had to cut and paste the patch, but both of the others had installers.
Posted: 04 Apr 2003, 06:25
Madrus, I hope you copied the contents of the folders to their relevant counterparts, and didn't replace the folders as such. You may have excluded some other original files that were needed from the original folders.