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Patch 1.5 is out

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 09:40
by Hudson
Subject says it all.

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 18:22
Except where to find the bloody thing though, eh? :lol: :roll: 8O :?

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 18:52
by Hudson
well the US English patch I have downloaded to You probably only want to use this though if you of the other sites isn't working as the only person on earth it is going to be fast for is me.

Next you freaks on the other side of the pond will be telling em is that that is discrimination. All I can suggest is sucking on the end of an M82A1 if you have a problem. :lol:

Lucky for you 3D Gamers isn't as discriminating as me:

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 22:07
by Madrus
Now there is a picture huh?

I like your style, Hud. :lol: :lol:

Posted: 14 Dec 2003, 08:01
by Gator
So, how many of you have installed the 1.5 patch? What is the verdict? I ask because I read some bad stuff about it. What I'm wondering is this: Does it help us? I'm wondering if the bad stuff is only really a problem if you are playing in an un-trusted arena. I'm not worrying about any of us using any cheats or glitches on each other.


Posted: 14 Dec 2003, 08:16
by Madrus
I don't see any changes. I still was frozen once at the spawn point with no weapon and could not move in any direction, just spin my view.

Myself, Grifter, Sabre, Steel, Hudson all have patched to 1.5.