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8/1 - Tonight

Posted: 01 Aug 2022, 07:44
by Cr33p3r
I hope to be on tonight but will depend on how I'm feeling. Our cruise vacation required driving through the night to NJ after American cancelled our flights (and driving home) and we all passed around a 24-hour stomach bug on the trip. Still getting over that so I have no idea how my energy will be at 9 this evening. I have been practicing in the F-14 to fill in for Bones in his absence!

Pic I took. CLT airport had an aviation museum that is being rebuilt somewhere so they put the aircraft out on the ramp. Extremely zoomed in photo (300mm) and cropped so the resolution is garbage. It was also at twilight.

Re: 8/1 - Tonight

Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 06:52
by Grifter
Sorry to hear that you vacation was interrupted by the unreliable airline industry and illness. THAT SUCKS. Very cool that you got to see an F-14, even from afar. I was not on last night, and will likely not be on this Wednesday. We leave Thursday morning for our big backpacking trip and I'm consumed with preparations. Hope you got some rest, Creeper. Sounds like quite an ordeal.

Re: 8/1 - Tonight

Posted: 02 Aug 2022, 09:58
by Trichome
I hoped on yesterday and as soon as I did something came up and I have to jet. Ill be on tomorrow.

Creeper other than the flight and the bug I hope it was a nice trip. Just to get away....

Nice pic of the F14 and Grifter hope you have a good safe trip....