New Foothold Campaign: Sinai 03.21.24

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New Foothold Campaign: Sinai 03.21.24

Post by Bones »

As of 03.21.24, we completed Foothold Caucusus as we took over the last remaining stronghold in Tblisi.

Not long afterwards, we were activated and re-deployed. We now find ourselves reporting for duty in the Sinai Peninsula for another Foothold campaign. We succeeded in taking Kadem-Hatzerim and softened up the air defenses at Nevatim.

We have our work cut out for us.

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Re: New Foothold Campaign: Sinai 03.21.24

Post by PanzerMeyer »

Requests for Syria Foothold:

Please add flyable SU-25T's and also allow the Harrier to use any available friendly airfields. Xpen was unable to spawn a Harrier at all.

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Re: New Foothold Campaign: Sinai 03.21.24

Post by Xpendable »

Just to add to that regarding the Harrier... the Tarawa spawns for the Harrier are also not working. This can happen when there is anything on the deck, including AI. It basically prevents anything else from spawning. The Tarawa is known to be pretty buggy in this regard. I seem to recall you can fix the problem by removing everything from the deck except 4 Harrier spawns, and don't let any AI spawn there at all (inclusive of helicopters). All of the airfield spawns for the Harrier did not work... as soon as you select a slot, it kicks you back to spectator with some messaging saying you can't spawn at neutral airports. I tried at least one slot at every field (and at some, I tried multiple slots) and the same thing happened at all of them.
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Re: New Foothold Campaign: Sinai 03.21.24

Post by Bones »

Will be updating the mission on the server soon:

2 Harriers are spawnable at Ben Gurion
You were right! All the Harriers everywhere were set to Late Activation....must have been an error. The mission author said nobody flies the Harrier in his squadron so they never noticed!

- Fixed the Harrier Spawns on Tarawa and other Spawn Bases
- Added SU-25T to Ben Gurion and the NEXT closest Spawn base by Reducing Viggens from 4 to 2 and adding 2 SU-25T (RAMP START).

"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot
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Re: New Foothold Campaign: Sinai 03.21.24

Post by PanzerMeyer »

Bones wrote:
28 Mar 2024, 08:53
Will be updating the mission on the server soon:

2 Harriers are spawnable at Ben Gurion
You were right! All the Harriers everywhere were set to Late Activation....must have been an error. The mission author said nobody flies the Harrier in his squadron so they never noticed!

- Fixed the Harrier Spawns on Tarawa and other Spawn Bases
- Added SU-25T to Ben Gurion and the NEXT closest Spawn base by Reducing Viggens from 4 to 2 and adding 2 SU-25T (RAMP START).


Thank you bones!
I have learned from experience that a modicum of snuff can be most efficacious - Baron Munchausen
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Re: New Foothold Campaign: Sinai 03.21.24

Post by Bones »

When you get a chance hop on the server and see that your requests for the Harrier and Su-25T went through OK, I just uploaded the mission.

"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot
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