Today I did well! First of all I did not crash into an enemy plane. But better than that I got at least one kill per flight, usually two.. THen I ran out of ammo. Gotta work on my aim as always. Still lots better because I did not get shot down. To make sure of that fact, when I was winchester I would exit the furball in the weeds and run for home. If I got 5 clicks away, I knew I was safe.
UPDATE: I figured out how to do a snapshot and conserve ammo. I got four kills on my last mission. ;-)
Well conserving ammo will always be next to impossible,especially against 109s, they seem well armored. But I programmed my joystick to toggle between gunview and normal so that when I'm on my enemy's six I can zoom and take better aim. If he starts to jink too much, I toggle to zoom out to normal so I can stay behind his tail. With this method, I downed to 109s in a P40 on Veteran mode. Still working my way up to Ace mode.
I have 3 views (plus the gunsight toggle for the German planes) mapped to my stick. There's the "wide" view and "standard" view (which only change your FOV by a minor bit, but you can't see any cockpit instruments in standard ), and then there's "pressing your face against the gunsight" view. I use that one primarily against bombers or non-maneuvering targets, or for lining up my AG attack run.
I also have another key mapped to switch the cockpit on and off. I can't picture surviving without being able to quickly switch between these views!