<S> All,
Ok my prob is this.
A few months ago i made a song in a program called Powertab, its a guitar tab program that lets you enter tab and plays back in midi format.
I spent days composing this little piece and like a idiot noob i didnt back it up.
Needless to say i lost it in a format.
Ive given this file to many Elh but dont remember who all i gave it too.
Im asking everyone if they will please search their drives for the files.
I had many different names and many revisions of the files so there may be many names.
The power tab program extentions with be a .PTB and i also made a midi(.MID) file from it.
It will prolly be named Shredd o rama or some like Mine11.PTB/.mid or mine13 or min11temp.
Something with Mine in the title, as that it was a start the file with and later renamed it to shred o rama.
please do a search for both the midi file and the .PTB file.
Thx and there is a reward of 1 oreo cookie for whom ever finds either or both files
Punch =)
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