My future wife that I love dearly and don't want to give up but really want that Cougar.
Stats on my wife: She cooks cleans gives a little lip potty trained and loveable. Can balance the budget and find a sale in Bloomingdale. She's easy on the eye's and is maintenace free. Please if anyone is willing to trade for my lovely 1969 Leslie Barnes first quarter model with all the extras fully loaded then shoot me a e-Mai for there brand new Cougar Hotas shootl! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah right ok now if she see's this I'm dead you know that right.
Katana don't tell her now.
Who's willing to trade...
Moderator: RLG MGMT Team
Who's willing to trade...
Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
Death Angel, SGT, 13th MEU
Death Angel, SGT, 13th MEU
Not a cougar but something just as good:)
I dont got a cougar but i got a Logitech wingman extreme digital 3d its maybe not a cougar but its just as good