I was just browsing it over the other day after dropping by Kali for a few . Hasn’t been updated L8’ly I think. You should allow viewers to drop a note in there from time to time cuz the Form is getting kind of stuffy these days.
I started to think of this Forum as being a big Space Battle Ship with only a few places to go before you end up back where you started . With nothing much going on there , you start running into the same people more and more often. I’d like to just drop down the turbo lift and hang out in the enormous launch bay for a few. Just take in the view and pass the time while surveying the launch crew from a elevated view , and screening the current solar system through the launch bay doors .
This has nothing to do with anything . It’s out of a book I recently read called The Dark Wing. I just feel like typing it.
The Wardroom:
Junior officers often had little to distinguish them from the crew. The problem was that officers needed a way to learn command skills , navigation , book keeping - every thing that they’d need when they were captain on their own . Since there wasn’t enough room for every officer to have his own cabin to study , a single one was set aside for all of them to share. Soon officers came to take their meals there and thus developed a certain camaraderie.
“There is another purpose for the wardroom, of course .”
On a sailing ship of the old , the captain’s word was law. Good or bad , right or wrong , he governed all of the activity aboard including decisions of life and death. Above decks none were allowed to dispute or disagree. But within the wardroom , officers could express their opinions freely , even when they disagreed with their captain. On a well run ship they might even do so to their captain’s face in the wardroom , if he granted them leave to do so. This is called ‘ wardroom privilege ‘ and allows a captain to solicit opinions in private without breaching his own discipline.
Well , back to wondering around the ship. I’ll pull an about face when I reach the other side again.