AWG/CGI lessons

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AWG/CGI lessons

Post by Madrus »

Before Steel and Raptor joined, Gator and I learned some GR tips from Mantis and Dragon. Gator, if I forgot any or misunderstood any, please post your corrections/understandings. Maybe everyone knows these already, but I was blissfully unaware of most, if not all. I also realize that some do not fit our sense of reality or realism and some are different from our style of play (at least up until now). But I can use all the help I can get.

1. They reviewed all my display settings to "improve" game play. Note I said game play (or their interpretation of same) and NOT appearance. I will send each member a screen shot of the settings i am using. The display is either at 640X480X32 or at 800X600X32. I dropped mine down only to 800 last night; I may try the 640 setting next time. The theory is to make the higher detailed enemy show up against the lower detailed scenery.

2. Use night vision even during the day when shooting for distance! WTF?
It turns out you can pick out enemy in the distance fog with night vision! Ever wonder why you got hit when you could not see anyone far away? How could they see you. There is your answer.

3. It turns out I was right/wrong about those sensors Raptor. They do use sensors a lot - but they do not carry or deploy sensors. WTF? When they die, they NEVER go to observation mode through other teammates. They (this is Dragon's description) stay in their bodies and become sensors. Each dead soldier listens and watches what they can and reports enemy movement. Plus the enemy shows up on the map for all to see.

4. They do a lot of movement within walls to locate enemy outside walls on the map.

5. The first soldier to die becomes the map observer. He is the ONLY one to report map info to the team. This way there is no comms conflict. The only other comms allowed are from individual soldier/sensors who have heard or seen something other than map info.

6. Well, this is no revelation, but after items 3, 4, 5 - they nade anyone they can immediately.

7. They use glitching if they can. Such as on approaching a crest of the hill. See Raptor's link elsewhere.

8. When being shot at, immediately crouch or go prone - more often than not, the bullets will go over your head while you set up for return fire.

9. Use single shot, not burst mode for better accuracy. (Gator said Steel had convinced him of this long ago - I was unaware of the accuracy drop off with burst :roll: )

10. When rounding a corner with an adversary around the corner - side step with burst or full auto. Do not try to turn 90 degrees and then train your rifle; you will lose.

11. Last, but certainly not least - they memorize and train for the spawn points. They have names for all spawn points and they actually run drills in practice for how far you can run after the spawn and where. They usually split into two groups at the spawn, so at least one group gets to an area unopposed and sets up camp or continues on. The other gets into action immediately after they run to their predetermined positions unopposed. But they rapidly know where the enemy has spawned (HCTN -here come the nades).
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Post by Gator »

A couple comments -

I don't believe they intentionally use "glitching." It seems they were all getting on Rage's case when he accidentally glitched.

The NVG issue on day maps only works in some cases. It depends on the fog settings I think. We noticed this on the original maps a while back, but it seems on the newer maps (IT at least) this does not work and actually makes it more difficult. Use at your own risk.

8, 9, and 10 are just plain good advice (in real life and game life I would bet).


One thing to keep in mind:

When we were playing with them last night, we were always "forced" into thier style because they had members on our team (and we continuously got hammered). I still think our best results occured weeks ago when we actually forced them to respond to our style.
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Post by Grifter »

while Madrus' comments are extrememly useful for online play, especially with people who do not play as realistically as we do, Gator's argument must be heeded as biblical law. As a group we can and should force the opposing team into our style of play by strong communication, good team divisions and coordination. We should continue to work on spawn point emergency deployment tactics as that is where we consistently lose the battle before it even begins. ie. the nades from hell. If we can out of the spawn point and locate them, we'll be better off.
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Post by Hammer »

If they glitch on purpose, I will not be playing GR with them any more...

I have my fire mode settings at single by default...and have done so for a long time. More realistic, conserves ammo, and is more accurate. You can squeeze off enough rounds on semi to kill someone in the same amount of time you fire a burst. There are some exceptions to semi though - often in CQB you will want auto, but it depends upon situation. Also, if you are prone and set up for an ambush, auto is often a good way to go...

What do they mean by "moving in walls"? That is also a glitch.

Staying in the dead body is a method, but like I said last night dead men don't talk. Same with the map person, but I can slide on that because it helps make up for the loss of SA due to a flat screen game environment...
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Post by Madrus »

sorry if i implied that they glitch on purpose. i too noticed that they criticized players who glitched.

as for the moving along walls, they would move alongside the walls in the hope that the proximity to the enemy on the outside of the wall would show up on the map. they were not attempting to glitch. it is just that we don't seem to specifically try to do that; but we certainly try to use map info to alert us to enemy inside/outside of a door or inside/outside a wall.

I disagree Gator; i used the NVG in the daytime quite a bit and i was surprised at the number of enemy i could see in the distance or even within trees/rocks that i could not see when i switched them off. Real life - no. Reality in GR - yes. it seems to be harder on my eyes, but the bullet from the enemy passing through my brain from me not seeing him hurts more.
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Post by Madrus »

I disagree with "I still think our best results occured weeks ago when we actually forced them to respond to our style."

I think it is our adaptability to the situation at hand using communication and trying different approaches and tactics if one approach or tactic fails is what enables us to win. And when we do not learn from our failures/mistakes and do not vary our tactics - we lose.
And when our "style of play" is not adapted to by the other side - they lose.

If the dead on the other side agree not to talk - I won't either. But until then I will continue to help my team any way I can, and I won't feel guilty that it is not realistic. Very little of Ghost Recon is realistic. Real soldiers don't shoot with mouses (yet) or see through monitors (yet).

BTW - I am always proud and thankful that I have mates like Steel, Raptor, Kat, Grifter, Kodiak, Gator, and Softball on my team. :D :D
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Post by Madrus »

Kodiak started a thread called "Why didn't he die" a few days ago. Follow those links.
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Post by KODIAK »

On those points:

1. I am using 800 x 600 all the time anyway; and I'm not totally convinced it would help show up the detailed character against the background :? .
2. I quite often switch to night vision, to help with the contrasting moving objects!! It works very well, because you are only dealing with two colours.
3 - 5. Agreed, IMHO we should have a definitive setup of team pairings. One of which is the primary anmd the other is the backup (it's all about protecting each other's blind areas. Primary can concentrate of locating whilst secondary provides over-watch - too many of us get hit from "nowhere". The idea of 1st to die takes the map duty is good too, and everyone else reporting in a minimalistic fashion.
6. This is an entirely viable tactic in real life too - although for the sake of the game I think it takes the fun out of it somehow too. I WILL be using it!
7. Glitching is very much a frowned upon practise in the spirit of the game, and I have posted an article in one of the forums which indicates this. However, the art of glitching is where you crawl up to the lip of a hillcrest and peer over very carefully - it then allows you to fire upon the enemy whilst staying safely under the brow of the hill. Real life tactics would dictate that you operate in this fashion on the ground anyway, however "in the spirit of the game" it is looked at as using imperfections in the game engine to your advantage and hence cheating! It's going to be an ongoing thing and as long as people are informed in a public manner of their errors and no-one takes the whole thing too much to heart over a probable genuine mistake I guess we can all live with it.
Jeez, think back to how many times it's happened to yourself - the how the hell did he get me when I pumped a whole mag into him first (not talkin about the Lagmeister), and then consider how many times you've crawled up to the lip of a bomb crater and still managed to get him as he frantically opens up in automatic. It all swings in roundabouts really, heh!?
8. Yep, I try to do this too - unfortunately i panic when I can't see wjere they are coming from and try to run instead. LOL! :roll:
9. Again I agree wholeheartedly on this one - single shot for longer ranges on single targets, burst fire for moving medium range targets or small groups or the odd moving jeep with driver and machine-gunner aboard, burst fire for CQB - especially with an H&K UMP.45 :twisted:
10. I have always practised this, the advantage is small but decisive.
11. When we are training I think if we want to do this we should get the grid mod going and for each map two opposite team members should note the grid for that spawn, collate the info, put it on a small table and disseminate to everyone for reference during games - I have to say although this is great and everyone does it, it IS NOT in the spirit of the game IMHO.

Finally I heard some of you guys mention this again last night - let's get these guys on the Athletes' Village map with all the permissable weapons - but no NADES! and see what transpires with that one - even out the playing field? You betcha! :lol: And if they do happen to simply kick our butts AGAIN, LOL! Then we can use these guys as a learning tool to get better - it can't hurt can it? But we do have to organise ourselves more too if we are going to go down that track, and i am all for it as long as we keep the essence of our team together - FUN!
Like Madrus said, I am proud to be part of a team of people who enjoy what we do so much, and have sufficient maturity to stay out of all the bitchin' that goes on around us. Hangin' out with CGi is fine by me - they're a fairly cool bunch. But I WILL have to give Gen Rage some more good news :lol: 8O - he seems to have taken the "accidents" the other night, to heart, heh Steel?! But seriously they are a nice bunch and we could do a lot worse for company.
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