Hi Malin,
Not sure what you mean by where, but I'll cover all the bases here.
1. We fly as a group on Friday nights.
2. Our flight timings are approx 0100 - 0500Hrs GMT currently, but during winter hours is 0000 - 0400Hrs.
3. We fly using Ventrilo as our means of comms - further info is available in the SERVER forum. (If you can't see that forum, and DO wish to fly with us, post here again - Steel will sort you out.)
4. We are currently involved in a North Africa campaign which sems to be running flawlessly (kiss of death! :lol: ).
I think he was asking if we use Hyperlobby or simialar based server.
Malin we use our own PC's as server and host for IL2 and virtually every other Sim/game we play.
As Kodiak stated we use Ventrillo as our voice comms and if you are familiar with ELH then you should have the info required to connect to us in your forums as Steel has set up channels on the same Ventrillo server for ELH and WOF.
We also are supposed to fly IL2 on Tuesday nights but only a couple of people have turned up on tuesdays for the past few weeks and it has not been played.
Fridays are our main IL2 nights and we fly using the merged IL2 FB + AEP + PF 3.04m install.
Just keep your eyes on the Game time Forum for what we are planning to do and jump on Ventrillo and we would be more than happy to have you along.
For any further Info ask Steel and he will sort you out.
Lose Sight! Lose The Fight!8)
Barrie "Nemisis" Brownlee
Hey Nem,
Tuesdays was dropped recently for IL-2 for exactly that - no-shows. It's no longer considered a 'regular' IL-2 slot, but an 'open slot' evening. There is a post somewhere which will confirm that, think it's called Schedule Revisited or something like that. And if it isn't that one, it's a thread right next to it!
Nah, it was already dropped by then, I was part of the discussion when we decided to put it on the forums and have it as a regular Friday thing. Anyway, I was there last week too. Just had to go to bed cos I couldn't keep my eyes open, didn't you know that? I was on right up until everyone began to show, by which time I was totally wiped. I know I was there, because I said to myself that I wouldn't be able to play next week either seeing as I was still enroute from France. When did you arrive online?