Post your stuff for sale or trade, or if you are looking to buy something. RLGaming takes no responsibility for any transactions made - use your best judgement when dealing with people.
Ok, I can see you selling off most of those games, even GRAW ...though that would suck for the rest of us who like playing that game with you. But you're selling IL2 with all add-ons too? Wow...I mean we haven't played that in a long long time I know, but still. We'll most likely pick it up again? Are you selling it with the intention of getting IL2 1946 or are you just giving up on that franchise and focusing more on Falcon or?
we have not flown it in a long time, and if i do decide to fly it again i can get the 1946 version. if it is long enough, maybe the BoB version when it comes out. several others are getting 1946, so maybe that...
The more of us who buy IL-2 1946 the better. I've already downloaded a bunch of Cooperative missions which have the new planes. Jedi will also be buying 1946 and Buffalo Six already ordered his copy.
I have learned from experience that a modicum of snuff can be most efficacious - Baron Munchausen
after last Friday i am done with GRAW. not impressed at all, and it has not gotten any better. i would much prefer to play falcon, SBPPE, or otherwise.
I have about had it with GRAW, unless they come out with some "missions" that we can play in OGR mode.
I would rather spend my time playing ArmA, Supreme Commander, R6: Vegas, IL-2 (when I get the 1946 version),or even F4:AF. I DLed the Red Viper mod for F4:AF, but have not installed it yet or know if what I Dled even works.
I'm sorry, I have really tried to give GRAW a chance but I think I'm about ready to take a break from it until further notice. I have actually had more fun playing the BF2 Project Reality mod than I have playing GRAW. I know we talked about this in the past, but maybe we could give BF2 a try sometime? I know there are a few people who don't have it, but I imagine you can get it cheap on Ebay or something.
"SILENCE, I KILL YOU!!" - Achmed the Dead Terrorist
AKA: Staark or Staark_RLG
Well the gripes here are perfectly legitimate. I guess I might consider selling some games in hopes of buying IL2 46 and ArmA. I'll look injto this possibility. Well, a lot to consider, especially since I'll have to look at game requirements to see if I can play these games with good performance. I can't play Vegas and I probably won't be able to for a long time.
O i agree, BF2 is better and I was trying to drive people to get it but people just did not or somthing. But I would be up for any BF2 games. GRAW could have been good but at best its ok.
well i bought my copy of bf2 from ebay. just the key - the media is downloadable. seems legit so far - no issues. i can get you the media if anyone wants to do it this way. cheap - $17 or something. i can ask the guy if he is still doing business on ebay...