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I found that WINDOWS 7 works very well with legacy software (alot better than Vista or XP). The closer you can get to XP O/S wise for recommended install then the better of course. But I am trying to find something for 98 only and try to see if it will run.
Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
Death Angel, SGT, 13th MEU
I am downloading WOE right now and I do believe it has MP COOP but I will find out. Plus a ton of MODs for it so I will have fun with it until other things happen. Also there is a way to choose other squadrons in F4AF but you will still have the F-16 cockpit (I haven't tried it so maybe one of you guys can). I will post it in the F4AF forums.
Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
Death Angel, SGT, 13th MEU
we already told you in another thread those series of games support only instant action type of MP games.
they are good for single player though. lots of realism mods and user made campaigns. you might want to try the Cuban Cigar (or something like that - Panzer or Jedi might know what it is) user made campaign. Excellent.
Your right Hammer, but I did check out third wire's website and they have updated versions of their games for XP/VISTA which translate into WIN 7. I am having problems with radio chatter (meaning none). I do have on subtittles so I will turn those off and see how it goes.
Grim Diablo, Grand Admiral, Erebus System Survey Group
Death Angel, SGT, 13th MEU