Town Hall with Russ

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Town Hall with Russ

Post by BlackHawk*K »

not sure who might be intersted. but here it is if anyone wants to waste a few hours... ... pic=2341.0

i know most of us are jaded to beat hell here. some of his explanations make sense to me. such as to why and how working with IGP tended to hold them back and delay things.

i know for myself in the job i do, we have a group of subcontractors we work with on a constant basis. i guess you could call these folk, our ' in house' contractors. we have worked around each other long enough, we have no problems doing little extras for each other to help make our jobs easier. working with outside contractors proves to be ordeal usually ending in frustration. they are far less willing to work with Scheduling. often times, they dont really care about who came before them, or who comes after, all they care about is THEIR job and thats it... this usually leads to hassle work for me in the end run of things. so what time/money could of been saved by a out of house contractor, in the end isnt as much because of the time and materials that may be used to bring the job back to where it was. so for me, the explanation between PGI and IGP makes a lot of sense and i can see the scenarios happening as explained.

Russ also went into an explanation as to how and why unbalances teams are still present despite ELO and the new match maker. i wish i had a time line on it, but i dont. it did explain some things that kind of make sense. i got a feeling that MWO player base is not HUGE, unlike games like world of tanks, and warthunder. his idea of how to help fix the situation intrigued me. as of right now.. game type selection is hard wired.. what i mean is that if you only select conquest, that will be the ONLY game mode you play. because of groups selecting game modes, it leaves a lot of closer matches between players out of the loop as far as match making is concerned. his idea, is to make the game mode selection a VOTE process. meaning, that if you choose assault and skirmish and NOT conquest, then match maker will do its best to try to find you assault and skirmish matches, BUT, may drop you in a conquest match because your group fit the best match and level as the other team involved. this on its own. doesn't really appeal to me. the con is you may end up playing game types you dont want to play.. the pro to this is maybe the matches will be a little more even skill wise. who knows? in addition to this, Russ said he would also be willing to allow us to 'vote' on maps! you will be able to select the maps you want to play and match maker will do its best to find a suitable team within those maps FIRST.. again, no guarantee. but if no one selects say Terra Therma... then, maybe no more Terra Therma! that i can get behind. especially as a group we tend to drop on any game mode for the most part any ways.

so if you have a the time, or no life ( like in my case) it may be worth listening to what he had to say. it makes me feel a LITTLE better about where we are at in MWO.. although i wish we were in a far different place at this time.
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Re: Town Hall with Russ

Post by Hammer »

the issue I really have with PGI now is their new game they announced, Transverse. look at the kickstart goals for that and the fact they are running the kickstart themselves. there is no way it will compete with Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous and their funding levels are retarded. if they only make 1.6 Million you can fly in space but not shoot? who in the hell wants that?

plus they have not finished what they promised to mwo.

announced 9/9, they got a whopping $5600 so far.
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Re: Town Hall with Russ

Post by BlackHawk*K »

i totally understand that... front what Russ was 'saying' the funding for the new game is totally separate from the funding for MWO also, the team working on the new one is all new hires and none of the MWO staff is working on it... i dont really care if the new game works out.. there are more options of similar games to play... its MWO im more worried about lol :P
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Re: Town Hall with Russ

Post by Hammer »

me too, it means the studio management will be distracted from MWO. not that they seem to care much anyway.
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