so the Cutlass or a Freelancer?
i have been looking at the website. researching ships. watching youtube videos.
im liking what i am seeing and figure im willing to put about $150.00 into this or so.
but, im curious as to what ship may help support us as a group once the game launches in a year or so.
both ships support more then the pilot. some even have 2 manned turrets..
the Cutlass is more maneuverable and seems to be a good all around ship. but also hosts a docking ring and i believe a tractor beam.
the Freelancer is larger, has more cargo room. one version has 4 engines but seems that more of the guns need real players for full defense. they say that it will also be more fuel efficient.
i think the layout of the ships are designed for the give and take idea.. meaning, what could be a benefit very well end up being a fatal flaw in the wrong circumstances.
im leaning heavily for the Cutlass. it looks like a sexy beast lol. and if other players are not on. i think maybe more viable for a lone pilot.
i know that Hammer got the Avenger. Bronurstomp has the Hornet Ghost. not sure what Hudson ended up with?
a good mix of ships may not be a bad thing?
i know i will be practicing dog fighting. but in a gigantic space sim, i am more of the explorer type. i love discovering new places maybe pick up something from an odd wreck now and then ;)
anyway. thoughts, ideas, suggestions? meanwhile going to go look at some more ship stats