Cutlass or Feelancer?

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Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by BlackHawk*K »

ok. i get paid tomorrow.

so the Cutlass or a Freelancer?

i have been looking at the website. researching ships. watching youtube videos.

im liking what i am seeing and figure im willing to put about $150.00 into this or so.
but, im curious as to what ship may help support us as a group once the game launches in a year or so.

both ships support more then the pilot. some even have 2 manned turrets..

the Cutlass is more maneuverable and seems to be a good all around ship. but also hosts a docking ring and i believe a tractor beam.

the Freelancer is larger, has more cargo room. one version has 4 engines but seems that more of the guns need real players for full defense. they say that it will also be more fuel efficient.

i think the layout of the ships are designed for the give and take idea.. meaning, what could be a benefit very well end up being a fatal flaw in the wrong circumstances.

im leaning heavily for the Cutlass. it looks like a sexy beast lol. and if other players are not on. i think maybe more viable for a lone pilot.

i know that Hammer got the Avenger. Bronurstomp has the Hornet Ghost. not sure what Hudson ended up with?

a good mix of ships may not be a bad thing?

i know i will be practicing dog fighting. but in a gigantic space sim, i am more of the explorer type. i love discovering new places maybe pick up something from an odd wreck now and then ;)

anyway. thoughts, ideas, suggestions? meanwhile going to go look at some more ship stats :P
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Re: Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by Bronurstomp »

I now have two fighter class ships, the Hornet and now the Mustang, so something for exploring would be awesome to have access to. You can count me in as a co-pilot/ gunner any time brother!
I have to agree with you on the idea of exploring and perhaps finding hidden treasure on distant planets. That sounds like fun too.
I also don't mind doing a little mining or trading, so something with a decent cargo hold would be great to have.
I suspect once the game launches, and I can do some exploring, take some missions etc to make in-game bucks, I'll be looking for a bigger, more all around type ship than a fighter. Depending on what I can do with the two fighters I'll have at launch (pun intended) I may sell one for a cargo hauler/ exploration type as well.
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Re: Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by BlackHawk*K »

i think i am going with the Cutlass Black package.

it will be able to hold 3 people. so one in a turret and maybe someone in the back to run the tractor beam? ( we dont know how that works yet..)

i thought about the larger Freelancer. but i want something more maneuverable to start off with i think.
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Re: Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by Slamhammer »

I am going to do this....CONSTELLATION AQUILA package I think with a version of the Hornet bought separate for dog fighting and escort. what do guys think....
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Re: Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by BlackHawk*K »

The CONSTELLATION AQUILA looks like a great ship from what i can see. it also comes with a rover. and crews 4 people.

the Hornet is a good fighter ship! especially before they come out weapons and upgrades for the other fighter/ light fighters.

on thing about the Constellation, the Idris may be coming out soon. but im have no idea what the price difference would be.

it dosnt really matter though. if it comes out and looks like a viable options you could always melt the Constellation or save in game money once game launches.
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Re: Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by Hammer »

both excellent choices, but you cannot pilot both at the same time. so when you are in the Connie you will not have your Hornet for escort, for example.

did you get your Mustang yet Slam?
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Re: Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by Slamhammer »

Negitive, how do I do it. Had major flood in kicthen and dinning room fridge lrak for a couple days without norice..major redue i guess thats one way to get a new kicthen and living room floor...things are a little hetic ...but I should settle down and get Star C and update mechy....insurence adjuster should be here today or tomarow or Fri...restroation folks are working now....
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Re: Cutlass or Feelancer?

Post by Hammer »

go to the thread in discussion section and reply in the post that says free PC games!
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