Millennial kids can earn $10,000 a month playing video games
BY MarketWatch
— 1:57 PM ET 11/04/2014
You can make serious money playing computer games. And you don't even need to be that good.
It's called gameplay streaming. Millennials know all about it.
What is streaming, exactly? It's simply uploading your live gameplay to an online video-streaming service such as Amazon's (AMZN) Twitch or Google's (GOOG) YouTube (GOOG
). As video gets streamed to your audience, they get to comment, chat with you and share it with their friends, thus increasing the number of followers. You get to reply, share in the fun and show off your best moves. Money you can make is derived from viewers' donations and cut-in from the ad revenue, which varies from service to service.
So how much money could you make? Quite a lot, actually. There are examples of players making $3,000 to $10,000 a month. Note that this isn't something that will happen overnight. Just like any decent job, it requires dedication, effort and consistency. Interestingly, a lot of players are in their late teens to late 20s.
To build a fan base, your stream needs to have a distinctive character and provide an incentive for people to follow you. If you're a pro gamer, the biggest incentives for your fans are your skills and likability. If you're an average gamer, you can still make it -- just be sure your content is top-notch by sharing your gaming experience in a unique and engaging way. You can achieve this by being funny, playing a wide range of games or by giving out beta keys and memorabilia.
Still, the most important way to increase your viewership (and revenue) is to genuinely care about viewers. Talk to them during your sessions. Play games that everyone likes and try to share strategies and tips as you uncover them. If they offer you good advice, accept it, apply it and give credit -- the audience will love you for it.
Also, don't be afraid to get personal with your fans. Discussing stuff completely unrelated to gameplay in a civilized and respectful way. That does wonders for growing a long-term audience. And always keep the atmosphere upbeat and friendly.
Want to get more serious? Then professional gaming may be up your alley. Be aware, however, that you have to be good, and I mean really good.
To become a pro requires sacrifice, dedication and concentration as well as the ability to control your emotions during the gameplay session. Practice is paramount, and pros play many hours per day -- sometimes all day. Like any other pro, you should display good sportsmanship and never employ hacks and cheats.
A way to get very good at a specific game is either by beating the bots (AI-controlled opponents) at the hardest difficulty or learning the maps and how they work (if applicable), then playing with humans in online matches. If the game is team-based, make an effort to get to know skilled players and team up with them.
Also, remember streams? Make sure you follow streams of the e-sports games you care about, and learn from those more skilled than you.
After you rise in the ranks, it's time to go public: Join one of the many e-sports teams and leagues, and test your skills in a public competition. You can win cash prizes and gain popularity, which can result in sponsorships, better streaming deals and bigger prizes.
How much money can you make in pro gaming? Consider 22-year-old Lee Young Ho, a South Korean professional gamer. Lee is 10th on the world's top 10 list of players who won the most prize money in various pro-gaming tournaments. He competes in Starcraft: Brood War and Starcraft 2 tournaments, playing under the alias By.FlaSh or simply Flash.
During his seven-year career, he's earned $487,141 at 59 tournaments. If Flash's earnings seem decent (roughly $70,000 a year), get ready for this: Chen Zhihao, a Chinese national who during his five-year career earned $1.1 million, or more than $220,000 a year! Not much is known about him, but his picture shows that he's pretty young.
Whichever route you pick, the same warnings apply: Don't quit school or your day job. Pro gaming and streaming aren't for everyone, and once the initial excitement wears off, you may get bored, as with any repetitive activity. So create a trial period.