2018 Mechy

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2018 Mechy

Post by Bronurstomp »

Hey guys,
Blackhawk was right about the game being better than it has been in a while. I haven't crashed out of a game in weeks, and sometimes I play for a while, leave the game open for hours then come back and play, still without crashing.
Were you able to figure out the new Skills tree? I am pretty convinced that the MatchMaker uses the number of skillpoints on mechs to decide how you should be ranked, in addition to the Tier thing. If I take a mech with very few or no skill points assigned, I get a decent team with a lot of noobs on the other side. If I take a fully skilled up mech I usually get the other way around. Just a gut feeling and it could be coincidence... but it really seems that way.

My new favorite 'mech is a medium also BH, the Wolverine... with 4 ERmed lasers and an MRM40. Yeah baby Medium range missiles!. With Range skills, they reach out to 600m!
I also just got my first Arctic Wolf. I put 2 LB5Xs and 2 Ersmalls on it. It's a light mech with a double barreled shotgun lol. I usually get my butt handed to me in that thing. Not like my Ebon Jag with 3 LB5Xs and 3 Hvymeds. Most people run from that thing, but not the Arctic Wolf haha. PDT_Armataz_01_23
They are still adding 'mechs, and have a new event thingy that keeps it interesting and you can rack up some serious Cbills. I think I'm back over 60 million, even after buying a couple mechs. Oh and you only have to have one mech to "level" it up, thanks to the new skills tree.
The outfit I was in slowly faded away, like most of them do. It was mostly Germans, usually only saw anyone on weekends, and when they were on, they started talking German in game so I left the unit. So now I'm a Jade Falcon loyalist, cause that Clan has the highest rank I've made. Just need a few thousand more JF EXP to make the next rank. Star Colonel I think. If I find a JF unit, I'll join it, unless someone wants to start HMM up again as JF PDT_Armataz_01_40

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Re: 2018 Mechy

Post by Hammer »

i did download and try to play a couple months ago - man was i lost! i need to start over. i would consider it though!
Posts: 312
Joined: 30 Oct 2008, 05:21
Location: New England USA

Re: 2018 Mechy

Post by Bronurstomp »

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